A Faerie Tale Trilogy

Tales by Beth Smith
Illustrations by Susan Detwiler

“Some day you will be old enough to start reading faerie tales again.”

                                                         C.S. Lewis


Faerie Dancing

Are faeries always faeries? Maybe. Maybe not.


When a strange white horse comes to Monkton, magic happens.

Wishing Well

Throw a penny into the well. Wishes do come true sometimes.


"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them faerie tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more faerie tales." 

Albert Einstein.

About the Author

Beth Smith learned about faerie tales in the 1950s and 1960s from Walt Disney, who presented a kinder, gentler world than the faerie tales of the Brothers Grimm or even Hans Christian Anderson. When asked to write faerie tales for Manor Mill, she resisted the violence and scariness of the originals, and wrote her tales in a Disney mode with “happily ever after” always ending her tales. A resident of Hunt Valley, Beth listed “wants to write a novel” on her Towson High School yearbook page.

Over the years, a novel has not appeared, but Beth has written for Baltimore Magazine, Maryland Magazine, Style Magazine, and worked as a freelancer for the Baltimore Sun, where her beat was finding and writing about beautiful houses in Maryland. She served as Director of Communications at St. Paul’s School for Girls for several years and taught journalism. Currently, Beth is getting disciplined and energized to write her novel while volunteering for several projects, tending her house and husband of 59 years, connecting with her son and family in Florida, and telling bedtime stories with her grandchildren.