The Magic of Batik with Visiting Artist, Rosi Robinson
Thursday, February 2 at 9AM or Sunday, February 19 at 9:30AM
Come and discover the Magic of Batik. Batik is a traditional Far Eastern resist technique of decorating fabric, using wax and dyes. In a one-day workshop you will learn the different processes of batik - how to apply hot liquid wax with traditional and contemporary waxing tools; how to mix colours; how to apply washes of colourful dyes to fabric and paper - similar to painting with watercolours. The waxed areas of the fabric will resist the colourful dyes, whilst the unwaxed areas will take up the dye. Waxing the details can be a slow process, but the application of colour is instant and magical. You will learn how to build up a design starting with the lightest colour, building up to the darkest. You will learn how to create textures by crackling and spattering the wax; how to etch (sgraffito) and how to remove wax at the end of the process, to reveal a beautiful textured design or picture. You will be amazed how your batik painting evolves in front of your eyes. It's like watching a photograph being developed.