Writer’s Circle - Just Write!
A monthly writing night at the Manor Mill
Fourth Monday of every month at 7:00pm.
We are your gym buddy for wordplay, the velcro pants to keep you in your seat and away from distractions, and support to Keep Going!
Poetry, prose, blog, memoir… all are welcome, and we do not critique. We are just here to lubricate the wheels of your word factory.
Fourth Monday every month, up in The Loft when weather allows, or on the second floor otherwise. Doors open at 7:00 pm, and we will usually wrap by 8:30.
We will start with a quick check in on what you are working on, or any upcoming writer events to highlight — and then it is heads-down writing for an hour, before we wrap-up with some q&a about any hurdles or blockers you may want input on.
Come join your fellow writers, as we all commit to an evening dedicated to The Work. And then come back on 1st or 3rd mondays, to share some of your writing on Poetry or Prose night!
Snacks will be provided and BYOB.
Although technical writing is a regular part of her day job, in her downtime Carol spins short-stories and fables, and has a long history on and off Baltimore stages.
During a 15-year stint in the hinterlands outside Dallas, Texas, she ran the Fast&Furious writers group in Plano, and discovered Storytelling, as a member of the Denton Storytellers Guild. Now that she is back in Maryland, Carol heads up an overachieving book club, is a regular Open-Mic reader during Prose nights at Manor Mill, and is excited to be hosting these JUST WRITE! sessions.
Carol lives in Baldwin, alongside a pack of irascible dogs and opinionated cats, and houses a barnful of miniature-horses, quarter-horse geldings, and one impertinent donkey.
register for just write:
Monday, December 30
Note date change! This evening we will convene with the songwriting group for open mic, potluck and end of year festivities.
Monday, January 27
Monday, February 24
Monday, March 24
Monday, April 28
Monday, May 26
Monday, June 23
Mondays at Manor Mill:
Poetry Night
First Monday
Play Club
Second Monday
Prose Night
Third Monday
Writer’s Circle
Fourth Monday