Carol Lee Thompson

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Carol Lee Thompson is Atelier trained in the methods of the Old Masters. Carol paints a wide range of subject matter including landscape, equine, portraits, animals and western themes.

Carol is featured in galleries throughout the country. Her work is part of many corporate and private collections, including the Butler Institution and the Academy Art Museum. She has been juried into 29 Museum Exhibitions. Her art hangs in Baltimore’s City Hall, the Fort McHenry National Shrine, the U. S. State Department, the Star Pass Resort in Arizona and Camden Yards Stadium in Baltimore.

Carol’s exhibits include: Women Artists of the West (WAOW) 52nd National Show, where she won Best of Show. The Society of Animal Artist’s Museum Shows; the C.M. Russell Museum Show and Small Works Great Wonders at the National Cowboy Museum. She participates in Settlers’ West’s Great American Miniature Show.

In the prestigious Art Renewal Center Salons, Carol has been a Finalist 13 times, received an Honorable Mention and one of six Chairman’s Choice Awards. ARC exhibited at the Salmagundi Club, Sotheby’s, LA and MEAM Museum, Barcelona, Spain. She has been awarded First Place in the Oil Painters of America (OPA) Online-Showcase and a Regional OPA Award of Excellence. Carol has received two Sporting Art Awards, Honorable Mention, two Sam Savitt Memorial Awards for Action and the Award of Excellence with the American Academy of Equine Art (AAEA). Carol was a featured artist in the Masters of Foxhounds Centennial Exhibit. Carol’s work has hung at the National Sporting Art Museum.

She also received awards at The Cheyenne Frontier Days Show and the Salmagundi Club. She won First Place/ Animal in the Artist Magazine Competition as well as Finalist-five times. Carol won the Fredrix Spirit of America Award, and Best Painting by a Maryland Artist in Plein Air Easton. She won two Awards of Excellence, Award of Merit and a Third Place in the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society(NOAPS) shows. She also won Best of Show in WAOW’s Spring Online Show. She has received over twenty awards in International miniature competitions.

Carol is a Signature Member of the OPA, AAEA, NOAPS and American Women Artists (AWA). She is a member of the Society of Animal Artists (SAA), Women Artists of the West(WAOW), American Impressionist Society (AIS) as well as the Miniatures Painters Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington DC. Carol is published in several books and featured in many magazine articles.

Instagram: @manormillgallery