Ever since I could hold a pen, I have been making marks on paper – writing in journals and printing with blocks, stamps, things found in nature. When I first experienced the art of printmaking in college, I became an instant devotee as printmaking combined my deep love for paper, ink, books, stories and images.
In 2019 I discovered Gelli Printing, an approach that does not require a printing press. Gelli printing is an incredibly versatile printing technique limited only by one’s imagination.
“Luna and the Moon” is the result of a series of experimental monoprints made on a Gelli plate where I was trying to capture the ocean, sky and a fish in various moods – tranquil, stormy, calm. When I laid them out together, I saw the arc of a story and decided to put it into words and illustrate it with pieces torn from the monoprints as an accordion book.
Instagram: @manormillgallery