Vendor Agreement and INFORMATION

Event: Winter Faerie Weekend, December 7-8, 2024
Winter Faerie Ball, Adult (Saturday, 7:30-10:30PM)

Vendor Setup: Saturday 3:00PM-6:00 PM. Floor assignments for vendors will be chosen ahead of time by Manor Mill and is limited to a 10x10 space.

Vendor Operating Hours: Saturday, 6:00-10:00 PM (one day) and Sunday 10:00-6:00PM

Vendor Cost: $30 for one day. Check, cash, or venmo @manormill. An invoice can also be created. Vendor will keep 100% of their sales.

Vendor Breakdown: Saturday, after ball or Sunday 8:00-10AM

Parking: Vendors will be asked to park in one of several overflow lots nearby. A shuttle or ride will be provided.

Please complete the following form if you are interested. We will review and confirm your attendance.

Vendors will be notified of their acceptance by the middle of October.